Monday, November 30, 2009

November 30, 2009 - The Race is On!

This wonderful salon will exist til Dec 15th and then gets dismantled! Either it gets filled with stylists who rent chairs or is sold to be saved, but it's days are numbered in any event. The race is on! And guess who gets caught under the avalanche? Me on this deal, that is who! Some adventures in life are not fun! This is one of them! Ever have a curse in your life? Then you know exactly what I am talking about! So whatever happens now, will happen now, will happen fast! Stay tuned for more adventures of a Wandering Hobo with his feet stuck in cement falling off a bridge!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29, 2009 - Guitar Lessons Begin!

Time to dust off the old insturment and to get practicing. I have found so many How To Play videos on so i now can learn how to play a lot of great tunes! Tis a happy day as i begin! Between redoing the website and learning to play, i think my winter will go by fast! As the Wandering Hobo wanders through cyberspace looking for great places to visit!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

November 28, 2009 - Snowfall Aftermath!

I walked over to the corner where i always walk to as I wait for my bus. Well, I noticed the roads were slick and traffic was crawling and had trouble going up this slight incline. The bus on the left had slid out of control with the back end on the boulevard! I waited 5 hours for my bus to arrive! That has to be a record! It was pretty nasty out there! The north side of the city got it the worst! What a night to remember!

Friday, November 27, 2009

November 27, 2009 - The "Ayes" Have It!

Make that, the "eyes" have it! Found that shot in my travels today. Seems like there is good news in the making finally. With lots of irons in the fire, it seems to be near time to do some harvesting! Maybe it is time to get out of the rut now? Ruts are not fun to be in!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

November 26, 2009 - Double Your Money!

The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 25, 2009 - Thoughts Come n' Go

This is a reminder that Christmas is coming! I was thinking today that in the quietness of the day, a person can get some profound thoughts come to mind and in the course of a day that is constantly on the move, you just cannot think of any of those profound thoughts. It is almost like you are too busy to think! I have spent some time brainstorming on just where else I can take the website that I have been working on... so we shall see what happens over the next week now!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 24, 2009 - Tueday, Back to Work!

These 3 day weekends seem to go very fast! Just started in on the Florida website that i am going to update and reconstruct adding many youtube videos to the webpages to give added interest. It is not always that easy to find a great video of a certain area. And I need many videos of each of the attractions that i visited as well. But one thing for sure, I sure love revisiting this trip! It was one of the longest trips that i have done, only to be matched with the Cross Country trip of 2004! And here I sit unable to do another long adventure for some time. I guess the next step is to consolidate to one property or two and create multiple streams of income and then probably head out full time with no calendar to follow, an endless vacation! One day, yes one day it will come together! You just watch!

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009 - Forward We Go!

One day while at the Chinese restaraunt, I found these interesting seat covers in a parked car! On with redoing the Florida trip which is next on the list now. I am itching to do a photo shoot soon of the downtown area and find some new angles and scenes missed on my prior photo shoots in the area in the days when I used my cell phone camera.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22, 2009 - Sunday Morning Coming Down!

Shopping today and a good supper to start the week! That is if Sunday is the starting day of your week and not a Monday, the typical start of a work week. It has been interesting as i add youtube videos to the National Park Tour on the website tonight. I was able to further along both the Texas trip and the National Park Tour trip as i updated the webpages of the journeys to add some added information. I uncovered some interesting nuggets of unusual videos as I searched for related videos.
Sure wish that I had a camcorder all along, but that did not come into existance until 2004, the cross country roadtrip.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 21, 2009 - Ghost Rider

One of my favorite songs is "Ghost Riders in the Sky!" That tune has been done by many a group! I thought it would be a good theme to try and capture a photo that is ghostly by nature. Time for another weekend. Time to hit the sack after work as i begin the day! This is one of those weekends that you never know how it will turn out.

Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20, 2009 - The Walk Home

I begin each day walking home from work around 2am and getting some sleep after winding down for a bit on the net. There is a driver at work who lives a block over. Same address, just a different street! He usually is a half hour ahead of me unless he stops to chat. I met up with him and we walked together this morning. I asked him if he ever sees any coyotes to which he replied, one. When the guard dogs are barking as they seem to do about once a month, the coyotes are near. I can also tell if there are no rabbits hanging about in the large church field that i pass. Skunks are another animal that lurks about at night. I almost had an encounter with one the other month. My friend says that they are more active in the summer months and pointed out the various spots where he has seen them. Just have to remember to be on the lookout for them critters! The walk is about 17 mins long from work to home and is usually very quiet, no traffic, no nothing.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19, 2009 - Retirement Plans

Coming up to age 55 in a year, i have been looking at the options. I could travel around at a slower pace than what i did in the past for a long time, have one home base and then buy a second home base in the warm south to winter in. My retired friend had been putting the bug in my ear. He has come to the place now where they will be staying in one location and the travels will just be memories. I always said that you have to plan for today, down the road a bit and for the long term retirement which you arrive at quicker than you can imagine! Something to think about.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18, 2009 - Two Coyotes

I pulled up to a coyote who was standing and waiting. As i grabbed my camera, i noticed a second coyote cross the road. Took one fast shot and then they drifted off in some tall grass and disappeared out of view. What a way to start the day! Onward with the day, a meeting with the old friend from many, many years ago... That took about 2 1/2 hrs of chatting. We have many of the same interests as well. Home again for some computer time and then off on the vicious cycle of that four letter word called work.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 17, 2009 - Added Texas Trip...

Here i am at the state line doing my Kilroy impersonation. I have been spending some time lately moving over the old websites from the free server that likes to create a lot of annoying popups to the new domain named website. I still have much to update the Texas trip with yet. Mostly youtube videos to add now to make this website a little more interesting. Sure wish that i had a camcorder back in those early travel days!
is the link to the Texas trip.
Today was partly one of those catch up days... trying to get to the bottom of the list before more gets added to it! Haha... you know what i am talking about huh? And now off to work to relax... maybe find that one in a million shot...?

November 17, 2009 - Hometown Deal I See!

I just happened to catch an ad from my hometown! Amazing price for a house for under $3000! Incredibly cheap!

Monday, November 16, 2009

November 16, 2009 - Quick Trip to Stavely

My the last few days have just whizzed by! Off on a small trip today and then some errands. I found the corner of my wood work messed up with water...and it was pulled apart. The water came from the fridge in the kitchen. I guess the drain hose was plugged and overflowed missing the catch tray in the bottom of the fridge so it pull apart the corner and heaved a tile. Another job to correct on my next visit. I will have to silicone the kitchen wall and around my wood work so that cannot happen again. Last time i was there, we found a bunch of dead wasps in the rear kitchen so not sure how they found their way into the place and then someone put the plastic paint tray on the front furnace so it melted and was stuck and hard to get off. The place stunk of melted plastic. Gee, if it is not one thing, it is another!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 15, 2009 - Sunday

I woke up. That is a good start to a day.... Sounds like we might have a buyer for the salon equipment so here is hoping. Noticing the Christmas displays are starting to pop up around the city now.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 14, 2009 - First Day Off Work

The Canadian $2 dollar coin. That is what we work for! Rich Dad, Poor Dad author states, "It is not what you make, it is what you keep!" Very true. That is to say that you need not be a hoarder, but use it wisely to accomplish your goals, both short and long term.
And what does a person do with the first day off work... play catch up, relax a bit and catch your breathe! Works for me this day!

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009 - TGIF Day Finally!

It was a short week with Remembrance Day in the middle! This will be the rough one to get through. A brighter week ahead! What will the rest of today bring... First we get some sleep, now after 3am! Just looking at the date, Friday, the 13th! Wonder if there is a full moon out there to compliment the date? 13 has been a lucky number for me so no problems there!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12, 2009 - Distressed Property

Here is my distressed property. Builder is not sticking to his estimate which i was assured that he would have no problem doing and has risen the cost by almost 20%. I checked with another builder and it seems they can do it for the same original price and say that they can stick to their estimates so guess who i will be working with in the future? The property gets listed shortly "as is" since there is no money available to continue. Such is life.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, 2009 - The Revamping Continues...

Little red cars are wearing red and white crossing arms this season! I am always on the outlook for those unique photos and this was one of them. Oops, there is a reason why you don't pull into the area with the BIG X on the road! The work continues revamping the website and adding a number of proposed pages as it expands. A website is truly never finished and always in a state of momentum. That is unless the webmaster takes a break. It seems i will be in a state of waiting til early summer of 2010 rolls around so the website project is top of the list as a perfect project to carry me through the winter. I have not even started on the video end of what i would like to see added to the website. It is a long road ahead, but it will be fun even now as i start to look back to see where i have gone over the last few weeks. Stay tuned for more adventures! Life is full of them!

Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9, 2009 - The Week Begins!

Framed! Ha! Monday! The first day of the week. Who knows just what the week will have in store? Did a Skype session with a guy at work to show what it can do. House cleaning was the order of the day around here. It is just some of the meanial tasks that we all do including laundry. Wahoooo, how exciting is that? And a day of website updates for me as well. This truck sits with one parking brake rubbing on the back rear wheel that won't release so going to have to take it in i guess... Rats! No trip to Stavely to get the mail so going to have a two weeks supply of bills next trip south i guess. And thus the week begins...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 8, 2009 - Stepson's Birthday Bash!

Well, last night was the dinner and then came a trip to a pub where my stepson would be playing a few songs. It was different musicans doing songs that night. Well, lo and behold, i run into one of the musicans that i have not seen for around 20yrs! And his son was there as well. He came up to me and said that i had looked familar and i guess he had seen me last when he was 5 yrs old!!! I talked to my old musican friend afterwards and found that he was since divorced and met his new fiancee as well. She looked very much like his ex. Wonder why people go after the same looks, a fatal attraction or familarity???

Saturday, November 7, 2009

November 7, 2009 - Chef Boy R Dean's Recipes

Just developed the digital photos to the hard drive of Friday's busy cooking and baking day! Chef Boy R Dean is my nickname. And here is why...

Chicken al le Foil! Add some peppers and mushrooms with a little Italian spice and some Garlic pepper on the chicken.

Shanghai Steam Fried Noodles! Add just about anything to this and soya, oyster, black bean sauces. The first time i made this, i ate it for two weeks straight, it was soooooo good!

Banana bread. Sometimes good with adding butterscotch chippets. Also tastes really good with a peanut butter icing, made with peanut butter, butter, icing sugar and a dab of milk.

A quick bunwich. Meat, swiss cheese, tomato, salad and sub sauce. You can do many variations of this...
Well, time to get some shut eye and off to do some photo shooting later this afternoon. Another of those short trips around town to see what we can find.

Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6, 2009 - The TGIF Day Has Arrived!

So i finally get this truck on the road, it passes the safety inspection with flying colors and now the parking brake sticks of all things! Another delay and more $$$ sunk into it! With any luck, it will release on it's own and i will make sure that i do not use the parking brake anymore! There is always another dollar to be spent with older vehicles.
Well, finally Friday, the TGIF day! Last day of work and three days off. Trying to line up another photo shoot with Bill for Saturday. We'll likely do the city center area looking for new photo opportunities.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5, 2009 - Deals Deals Deals

Stare at the Stairs!
Trying to find a buyer for a stressed property. Here is a chance for someone to make a good deal in a flip and pay off two stressed investors. I am the 3rd investor who is non stressed and want to see the end of this particular property.... Trying to find an investor to take it off our hands. It is a long story and to make it short, i won't say anything more! LOL! Sign up at work today... took a run 30 mins early and the same route. That will make it tougher to find photo opportunities... will need to do a photo tour! Tried to head out today to get some groceries and my parking brake light was on... seems that my parking brake is sticking! Grrrrrr.... Will have to get that figured out tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4, 2009 - Back to the Salt Mine

This costume would certainly be a winner!!! Wife's friend's son! Hilarious! Why do 3 day weekends go so fast? Time for that matter! The older you get, the faster time flies by. Very, very true!
And yes, i find it to be true having some pretty exciting adventures in your backyard or those short trips. I keep looking for those key highlights of each day. There is always something happening. And if not, you make it happen! Ha!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009 - Pick Up Truck

Back from a hair cut too in my journeys today! Today was a running around one!

Just had it safety inspected for the insurance company and it passed with flying colors! Now i have a set of wheels once again. It is a V8 so it takes a bit of gas, however i only need it to haul stuff around now and then so it won't cost me too much to operate. Next, i bring the hobo car back to life, although i am debating whether to hold that one or to sell it. I am trying to plan a road trip for 2010 using it so at this point, just not sure what to do. Time will tell as it always does!

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2, 2009 - Trip to Stavely

Sometimes the simple things in life can amuse us! This is one of them. Today, it is time to pick up the truck from Stavely, a long awaited moment! I bought it last April was unable to get it insured due to a major lack of funds. Darn recession! After picking it up, i was able to finally drive it, i dropped it off at my mechanic's house so he can do the inspection tomorrow.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1, 2009 - Trip to Red Deer

Not a long road trip, but i was attending the Nu Skin convention and workshop with my wife and arrived home after dark. I learned how great a business this would be for someone travelling fulltime. They are in something like 51 countries. is the introduction website. This is a right company for right now! One really has to take the training in order to succeed. It was a real eye opener for me. If anyone is interested, is my email address so i can put you in contact with my other half so you can join her team. Taking some down time tonight and getting ready for the trip to Stavely next to retrieve the pick up truck. Never a dull moment it seems!