I begin each day walking home from work around 2am and getting some sleep after winding down for a bit on the net. There is a driver at work who lives a block over. Same address, just a different street! He usually is a half hour ahead of me unless he stops to chat. I met up with him and we walked together this morning. I asked him if he ever sees any coyotes to which he replied, one. When the guard dogs are barking as they seem to do about once a month, the coyotes are near. I can also tell if there are no rabbits hanging about in the large church field that i pass. Skunks are another animal that lurks about at night. I almost had an encounter with one the other month. My friend says that they are more active in the summer months and pointed out the various spots where he has seen them. Just have to remember to be on the lookout for them critters! The walk is about 17 mins long from work to home and is usually very quiet, no traffic, no nothing.
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