A confusing sign? Try and follow those conflicting directions! Plans can be like that. You start in one direction and end up going in another. This is one of those weekends where that applies. I have some chores to do in the Crowsnest Pass area that are now postponed til next weekend. They have been postponed for a month now it seems or longer. One can only imagine how the grass has grown over that period of time! I might be cutting through a jungle when i do get there. Typically, the last of the summer months are very hot and the grass hardly grows at all as it is so thirsty for some water. The area is usually very dry during that time of year. Fire bans are in effect.
The time also has come to begin a new budget. A budget is like a starting point. If you can get a good one together that works, then you can move right along. If not, it becomes one of those things that gets postponed again and again.
I like to use what i call a "Task List." You write on a blank piece of paper all the things you want to get done that day. You can mark at the top, Monday to Sunday and note any things coming up in the near future such as bills to pay, errands to run, etc. That way everything gets done in the timeline that you have set. And what usually happens is that the day's events are postponed til the next day as you write over Monday and call it Tuesday.